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Check for open hours daily here, or call/text (530) 317-8780
While we are finalizing our closing of this brick and mortar location, you can still shop with us. For better service, check here for open hours. You can email your order and set up an appointment to pick up and pay at the store. You can also order online from this website and have your order shipped. If you don't see an item you need, email us at (best), or call the store. Since we are packing and moving, we may not be able to get to the phone. Watch for our new dedicated cell phone number which will be posted as soon as it is in service. The landline will be terminated mid-June.
In Stock Now: Ocean Forest (getting low), Happy Frog 2 cf in stock
Coco blocks (expands to 2.5 cf) in stock! $13.95
Vermiculite 4cf. $44.95, Perlite 4cf $24.95
Sunday, June 23: Open 10-3
Monday, 24: Open 10-?
Tuesday, June 25 on... will call only... order for pickup
Call 530-317-8780
Monthly deals
Our most popular products for the winter months
Related Products
Quail Mountain Ranch
Auburn's year 'round gardening store

Pick Up Options
Save on shipping with in store pickup. Call (530) 889-2390 for curbside delivery
Same day shipping
Orders are processed immediately, and shipped same day whenever possible. Orders received late in the day may go out the following day.
Health & Safety Rules
If you're sick stay home. If you're healthy, we're happy to help you.
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